Wham bam ITAM! — Breaking organizational silos

Vipul Jain
3 min readMar 14, 2021


IT asset management (ITAM) incorporates strategies and best practices for keeping a check on a company’s hardware, software, network, data, and various policies i.e. all IT assets of the company.

IT Assets on a Desktop

But ITAM is not just about keeping a track of IT assets, it serves a multitude of purposes such as, but not limited to:

  • Ensuring that all IT assets are up to date and upgraded
  • Avoiding unnecessary IT asset purchases and improving the company’s bottom line
  • Minimizing risks by implementing company wide IT policies
  • Keeping the company green by streamlining IT waste disposal

Organizational silos — A challenge

Organizational silos are the silent ball and chain for any company. They pull back on a company’s efficiency, communication, progress, and ultimately its success. These silos exist irrespective of the number of employees of a company. It is highly likely that a large scale company with thousands of employees might be more transparent and silo-free than a 50 member startup.

Industrial silos

When employees decide to focus on their team goals and KRAs, rather than the company goals, everyone gets tunnel-vision. This tunnel vision obstructs the view of teams into each other’s progress and achievements.

Similarly, when teams work in silos, IT assets are being used in silos as well. Instead of using IT to streamline information, IT assets end up being over or under used.

Breaking organizational silos with ITAM

Now that we have identified these problems, we move on to the solution — transparency. To achieve this transparency companies need ITAM. With constant upgrades, attrition, disposal of IT assets in this fast moving industry, a singular place to manage information is the need of the hour.

Picture some scenarios.

IT Asset Management (ITAM) Examples

These are just some common scenarios that organizations like yours would face day to day. There is a stark difference in how IT assets are handled in ITAM enabled organizations vs. others. While ITAM enabled organizations are very transparent and all-access in nature, traditional organizations still work in silos. These silos have a multiplying negative effect on a company’s success as it grows. The above scenarios happen on a daily basis for tens to hundreds of employees.

ITAM allows you to monitor what you own, where it is, who is using it, and the value it is providing to your business. It is never too late to incorporate ITAM to your organization, the sooner the better. ITAM is not only easy to use, but easy to onboard and understand as well for existing employees.



Vipul Jain

Manners maketh man. To know more about me visit — www.vipulja.in